Export Excel Spreadsheet to Google Calendar

At Freeperiod we recently created a system which allows timetable information to be exported from Excel Spreadsheets to Google Calendar.

A local university shared their lecture timetables with students using Google Calendar. This was a great solution for the students as they could easily integrate with Google Calendar. The problem was someone in the university office had to manually copy all the lecture information from Excel Spreadsheets to Google Calendar. As you can imagine the process would take weeks and was very monotonous.

Freeperiod created a new website for the university called sendtocalendar.com. Now the university office can upload their existing Excel Spreadsheets to sendtocalendar.com and the timetable data is exported to Google Calendar. A process which previously took weeks now takes seconds.

We have had really good feedback about the system and are currently deploying the system to a sister site of the university in China.


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