Why we don’t integrate with Capita SIMS

A few people have called me and asked if our Freeperiod room booking system integrates with Capita SIMS.

Freeperiod schools using SIMS export their timetables from SIMS to a spreadsheet at the beginning of the year and then email us the spreadsheet. We then import the timetables into Freeperiod within one working day. It will be another year before we hear from the school again. The whole process is quick and easy.

So no, we don’t fully integrate with SIMS but then again we don’t need to. We have avoided this integration to keep Freeperiod simple and cost effective. It’s worked for our first million bookings and I’m confident it will work for our next million.

Teachers and Technicians, they love you then leave you

I had some negative feedback from Teachers and IT Technicians when I first created Freeperiod. Some commenters on the TES forums asked “Why should we pay for an online booking system to manage our school’s IT resources when our current solution is free?” Maybe a better question to ask is, “How much of my time will this free solution take up and can my school manage the solution if I leave? Continue reading